Lessons learned, and not learned, about growing muscadine grapes and making wine in southwest Florida.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Well, here I am. Arrived! I'm a blogger!

This is appareently a glass-house exercise, no less.

I'm not sure if I'm talking to you or thinking out loud to myself. Guess that will become clear as I learn more about how this blogging thing works.

I can blame this excursion into what could turn out to be a revealing mental exercise on the existance and westerly passing today of Hurricane Dennis. Being located on the periphery, we're not expecting much impact but it's dark and wet outside thus giving me the need to occupy myself inside.

The reference to "we" is to include my wife who will, I'm certain, read this and from time to time be contributing her own mental prolifera. Both of us find this very amusing, really ... to be sharing personal thoughts with the eavesdroppers of the electronic cosmos, though obviously only very benign thoughts at this point. Amusing and kind of spooky. Presumably one gets over such feelings as courage, understanding and confidence increases in what this process is all about. Does anyone really read this stuff"


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