Lessons learned, and not learned, about growing muscadine grapes and making wine in southwest Florida.

Monday, April 16, 2007

First two weeks in April, 2007

April 7th We had a slow drizzling rain that lasted nearly two days but only gave us 0.7" rain.

April 10th. We've started replacing the rotting fence along the road in from of the vineyard. It has been there at least ten years that I'm aware of and probably another five before that. It was a board fence that was becoming at one with terra firma. Replaced it with new posts and hog wire. Good ol' "red top". I worry a bit about the wild turkeys having more difficulty getting through but they always seem to find a way, just like the raccoons and opossoms.

4-15th A fast moving frontal system whipped through this morning leaving us .8" rain and cooling everything off. Temp was 50 degrees when I got up this morning vs 80 degrees yesterday. It's crystal clear and a beautiful day. Everytime I see a day like this, I think about that day the twin towers came down. It was a beautiful day then, too.

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