To date we've made 40 gallons of juice! Don't know if we should have more, based upon the age and number of producing vines we have, but we feel pretty good about it. Most of it is from the
Noble, a muscadine variety and a small black grape that grows easily here, and prolifically.
Some of Pam's friends from HCC dropped by this past weekend and helped us do the picking.

Phyllis and her husband, Mal and his wife and another lady. Nice folks. We fed them "cuban" sandwhiches made by a Greek restaurant that specializes in Italian food. Go figure.
Some of the younger vines producing for the first time this year provided enough fruit for us to see what kind of grape we'll be getting from them. I like the ones that are really sweet and grapy tasting, as opposed to those that are juicy but lack that certain richness that I believe is what

growing the damn things is all about. Over time, we'll make the decision to focus on the variety we like most, be it a wine grape or a fruit grape.
We now have about 330 vines at various stages of maturity. 40 gallons should produce over 150
bottles of wine if all goes well. Since we're still so early in the learning process, however, some of it will likely not be worth keeping.